
dimanche 6 décembre 2020

2020 Advent Calendar: Day 6

Another time, another latitude, no snow for Day 6 of this Advent Calendar. Let's go to Middle-East! Today we have a look at some medieval Muslim foot soldiers.

These men are part of the Ayyubid army, in the 12th century AD. The Ayyubid dynasty was a Muslim Dynasty founded by Saladin who abolished the Fatimid caliphate in 1171. Starting in Egypt, the Ayyubid created a vast empire including Syria, a part of north Africa, Hejaz, Yemen. They also conquered most of the Crusader states, including the kingdom of Jerusalem.

We can see them in action at the entrance of a small village.

Wait, wasn't there a goat ? I think we already saw this one in the pages of this blog.

The figures have been painting from time to time in the past three years, the last ones were made in 2020. They are meant to be part of my Ayyubid army against the crusaders.

Some Ayyubid knights can be seen here.

My (complete) crusader army is there.

The regular visitors will have recognized the goat that travels through time and space, rarely seen these days (I don't remember the last time :)).

The newest element in this scene is the house, that I've painted yesterday. Simple but nice (I think). This is a resin model that I bought a long time ago. I will try to create (scrath-building) some more to have a real village.

Hope you're not fed up with this calendar. See you tomorrow for day 7 :)

14 commentaires:

  1. I have these figures to somewhere. You really did them honour!
    On Benno's you can find some good examples for other buildings. I think they are fom Dykio. ;-)


    1. Thank for the info, Peter, I'm going to search on the forum.

  2. Nicely staged photo. Good to see the goat again.

    1. Thank you Jonathan! The goat is the real star in this blog, but sshh, it must not know it :)

  3. Très jolie mise en scène, je suis toujours autant bluffé par ta précision et ce coup de pinceau de maitre!


    1. Merci KéHenCo! Cette saynète m'a obligé à peindre, enfin, cette maison qui prenait la poussière sur les étagères de la cave depuis des lustres... une bonne chose de faite.

  4. Réponses
    1. Thank you! The goat was lost in time for eons, it could at last come back after a meeting with the Old Ones.

  5. More great work. The shields are fantastic.

    1. Thank you! I must say that I am happy with the shield representing a lion - I love this elegant (and accurate) drawing.

  6. Magnifique, évocateur et magnifique, bravo!!

  7. La terre Sainte c'est parfais for Advent!
