
lundi 7 décembre 2020

2020 Advent Calendar: Day 7

Back to Ancients, in a time when the density of population allowed you to stand without seeing anyone else... except for your comrade on duty with you.

For day 7 of the calendar, let's go to the edge of the Roman Empire.

As the Empire kept on growing, more and more soldiers were needed in the army. There were never enough legionaries to control the borders, so non citizen men were recruited in Auxilia units in order to assist the legionaries in battle. At the end of the service, these men could become Roman citizens.

The figures represent Auxilia during the early period of the Empire (1st and 2nd century AD). They wear mail armors and oval shields as defensive weapons. They also use spears and swords as offensive weapons.

Hope you like these simple, anonymous soldiers in Roman service.See you soon.

6 commentaires:

  1. Simple, efficace et très sympa, on imagine une discussion entre eux deux, concernant la vie de soldats...Chouette!

    1. Merci Phil! oh pour la discussion, je laisse l'imagination de chacun s'exprimer :D

  2. Looks really good! I really like those pictures!


  3. Lovely peaceful it won't last.

    1. Thank you! Oh you're probably right, everyone wants to fight against the Empire, there are Rebels everywhere, any time :D
