
samedi 20 mars 2021

A Wraith King to summon them all

One post about historical figures, then one post in Fantasy. Ok, I know, I should be painting Winged Hussars, or Vikings, or even Sassanids, meaning I should finish what I have started first. But I've started so many different projects than any new figure can complete an existing army.

Today, after a Norsemen warband, I needed a bit of fantasy. I also needed to clear my desk, and decided to paint the biggest figure on it - a wraith ! A wraith king to command my undead army, and summon dozens of skeletons, zombies, and other horrible creatures - a good option to replace my old vampire general.

So, what does he look like ? A big, howling spectre.

This mini doesn't come from any 1/72 fantasy sets, but from a pack of Undead troops designed for Battlelore 2nd edition. There are several types of figures in this pack: skeletons, knights on big horses, spectres and a zombie dragon - you can expect to see more in the next months. 

The skeletons are larger than the Caesar ones - they seem to be 'real' 25mm figures. The spectre (or wraith) is a big figure, but I find his size ok compared to the horde of skeletons and zombies (Caesar and Dark Alliance) around him.

That's all for today - hope you find him frightening :D

27 commentaires:

  1. Hi Phil,
    That's a nice looking leader for your undead army. Battlelore also has a very spooky looking banshee that you might want to look for as well.

    1. Hello Eric, and thank you. A banshee, indeed ? Yes, I think I will have a look on the web :)

  2. Very very nice! Where is this ghost comes from?

    1. From a boardgame called Battlelore 2nd edition. I don't know if it is still in production, I bought this mini at least five years ago.

  3. Top class. Goes really well with 20mm figures.

  4. Fantastic looking mini. Really scary!

  5. Nice one. You nailed the colours.

  6. Impressive and frightening Phil! The Vikings and other Late antiquity historical figures would make suitable foes, especially Vikings and Anglo Saxon types much of Tolkien's is inspired by their mythologies :-)

    As a side not I spotted a comment of yours that slipped through the cracks on my blog! It has been a nightmare since the constant spam bots bombarding the place and having to screen comments!

    1. Thank you Tony! I totally agree, there are undead armies in most mythological stories, and my own Undead army should have a fight against my mythological vikings this year.

      Yes, I had difficulties to write comments on your blog lately, for several weeks. I thought it might come from the automatic translator (it don't use it but it is proposed at the top of the screen when you want to write a comment) ?

    2. Absolutely brilliant Phil, he looks great at this scale, he has a real final boss feel to him like all great fantasy bad guys should.

    3. Thank you! A level boss, or a final boss ? ;-)

    4. Yes the comment screening is a difficult one, it might be better to remove the moderation and just delete the spambots as they appear!

  7. Great choice and result Phil, I also own that set and It is useful for such Undead Horrors

    1. Thank you Sceavus! Not my idea since I first saw these nice figs on Plastic General blog, thank you again Jack!

  8. Excellent work sir!
    Your painting is superb and inspirational as usual.

  9. Wonderfull painted figures!


  10. Very nice! Are the skeletons also from Battlelore?

    1. Hi, thank you for your comment. The skeletons are a mix of 3 sets:
      - Undead, by Caesar
      - Zombies by Caesar
      - Light warriors of the dead, by Dark Alliance
