
dimanche 14 mars 2021

Viking shieldwall

 I have been working on my Viking army these days, and painted enough warriors to assemble 8 Bd elements for DBA.

Here you are the result:


 You'll spot figures from several manufacturers: Strelets, Zvezda and Emhar.

 I still need 4 elements for a complete DBA army. But my first purpose is to gather a mythological army for HOTT, so the 4 last elements should be:

- 1 frost giant

- 1 giant Wolf (such as Fenrir)

- 1 element of Dwarves

- 1 element of mounted Valkyries

The first two elements are done already, and I'm working on the last two. See you next time to have a look at the whole army :)

19 commentaires:

  1. Very nice warband, Philotep! They are looking very cohese, though consists sets of different manufacturies, like Strelets and Zvezda! Looking forward for your next updates!

    1. Thank you strategist! I think that mixing different sets is a good way to have a large variety of poses.

  2. Magnifique et très impressionnant, l'effet de masse combiné à la fureur visible de ces guerriers est top!

    1. Merci Phil! J'ai enfin trouvé la capacité à peindre les figurines par lots de 6 à 8, le résultat est moins précis qu'avant, les boucliers mois recherchés, mais l'effet masse est là.

  3. Amazing painting! Love the shield designs. Still waiting for those winged hussars though :)

    1. Thank you! Ah ah, the Hussars... the first are on my desk, one from Orion and one from Zvezda, they are my test figures.

  4. That's a very impressive looking force, as ever the painting (and especially the shields) are first rate.

  5. Ooh, very nice! Looking forward to what you come up with for mythological elements!

    1. Thank you Norman! You can find the answer for the Frost Giant in this blog, since I've painted him in december 2018.

  6. Impressive shield wall Phil! I've been looking into late antiquity/early medieval era late Rome and its successors is on the list to do.

    1. Thank you, and good news! I'm curious to see your (future) late Roman army.

  7. Ce commentaire a été supprimé par l'auteur.

  8. I love them, and mostly How good they look together, even if they come from different suppliers!
    Already eager yo ser the Fantasy elements..Maybe will Valkyries come from Alliance Amazons?
    I suggest to add some Aesir God :)

    1. Thank you Sceavus! Yes, some Alliance mounted Amazons will at last be painted, and I've chosen the horses to replace the dinosaurs :)
      One figure for Thor would be great, a 28mm Viking with a hammer would certainly do the job! And since I already have a Frost Giant in the army, the civil war is highly probable!

  9. Jaja i knew that for Valkyries!!!!
    And Civil war in scandinavian real or mytholigcal world soind weird...Just simply War is always around everywhere!!!!

    1. You always find the answer before I even have the time to ask :D :D :D

  10. Fantastic looking shield wall. I always like to see a mix of figures, particularly for 'irregular' troops.
    Regards, James

    1. Thank you James! Yes, it's better to have as different poses as possible for a warband, it's not a drilled army :)
