
lundi 14 novembre 2022


 Good evening, dear fellow painters.

Today's post is a step into Greek Mythology, as I wanted to show you my first painted Cyclops from the eponymous set by Dark Alliance (#72054).

The most famous Cyclops from the mythology is of course Polyphemos, whose name literally means "who speaks a lot", and who is known for capturing Ulysses and his companions, eating some of them but was eventually blinded by them.

So these guys were much larger than ordinary humans, and the minis by Dark Alliance are accurately sculpted in my taste.

(Yes, I tried to paint an owl free hand, and no, the result is not very good :D)

I used the same Mediterranean skin colour as for the Greek warriors - hope you find it convincing.

See you :)

12 commentaires:

  1. Fantastic! I think the shield looks fine - perhaps more like a real shield than the idealised version you might find on a vase painting!

    1. Thank you JC. Ok, this shield isn't horrible, nevertheless it convinced me to buy new brushes :)

  2. Réponses
    1. Thank you Mouse! Hope you will show us some of your lovely Ral Partha figures soon ;-)

  3. Wonderfull painted figures, Phil! I like them a lot!

    1. Thank you very much, dear friend. It is thanks to people like you that I am still in this hobby.

  4. Very nice cyclop sir, and the shield as well.

    1. Thank you Blacksmith! From a master of the art like you, it is all the most appreciated.

  5. Hi Philotep - Sorry for the late post, but I like your cyclops very much, and the hoplite. I have complimented you before on your 1/72 fantasy miniatures (I think it was in relation to your Empire army), and you asked if I'd ever posted pictures of my own. Finally I got round to it, and you can find them here:
    I am painting more orcs at the moment, and your collection (and skills) remain an inspiration to me. I am looking forward to some skirmish games soon!

    1. Dear MysteryMachine, thank you for your kind comment, and sorry for the delay (sorry game: 1 point each :)). Yes, I'm really happy to see your own production, and waow! They're excellent 8-) I have to create an account on the LAF, so that I can comment your wonderful minis. See you!

  6. I certainly like both figures and your painting style too, ace cool and all that! It reminded me that i had written my version of poor Polyphemos who was of course blinded by No Body ! BB

    1. Hi Paul, and thank you for your comment! I guess this personal version is on your blog, right ? I'm going to have a look.
