
dimanche 1 janvier 2023

Early Imperial Roman Army: Work in Progress

 First of all, I wish you a happy new year!

For the first day of 2023, let me show you my Early Imperial Roman (or EIR) army, based for DBA, then L'Art de la Guerre in the near future (my son just offered the V4 of the rules for Christmas, I must ready to play soon).

As the old readers of this blog know, I'm not fond of basing figures. I used to cut my own bases in cardboard boxes, which revealed two problems:

- the cut was irregular, the result was not always very nice with almost trapezoidal bases :D

- the bases used to twist with time, I had to rebase some old units

 So I was looking for a better way, and after a brief search on the web, I discovered that several companies were proposing some MDF bases (and movement trays as well). Sarissa Precision has a very wide range of bases, I could find what I needed for 1/72 or 20mm figures: 60x20mm for heavy infantry, 60x30mm for medium and light infantry, 60x40mm for cavalry, etc...

I bought a lot of them (for I have several armies to base), and as soon as I received the package, I used the newly painted Imperial Romans as a test, and here you are the result:

Some of you may recognize some of the figures that have been already displayed in older posts (the auxiliary archers, the ESCI legionaries, one or two legionaries and auxilia from the 2020 advent calendar), but most figures have been painted these last months.

You might also object that I didn't follow the DBA list to the letter. That is true, but all elements exist in the DBM list, so  let's say that it is a regional interpretation ;-)

All shields are hand painted (they're not as good as transfers, but I like my method).

Hope you like them :)

Better pictures to come when the bases are complete - the Reflex gives a better result, but you know that already.


18 commentaires:

  1. Wow, looking very nice! The shields are great!

    1. Thank you Norman! If you visit us in Europe, one of these days, with one of your wonderful armies in your luggage, I might challenge you in a DBA battle with great pleasure (I must I cannot play well, I lose most of the time) :)

    2. That would be delightful, if I ever get over there! Perhaps if you come to this side of the Atlantic, you can drop by for a game. :)

    3. Who knows ? Thanks anyway :)

  2. That's a very nice army. I was thinking furiously about DBA in 1/72 and 15 mm and finally went for 15mm because my opponents use that scale, but still thinking about doing some more in 1/72 and I am looking at Phyrric phalange from Linera-A...

    1. Thank you Blacksmith! You probably made the best choice, because it is almost impossible to find opponents for a game in 1/72. That said, 15mm is so small, and difficult to paint... The Linear Pyrrhic are great, you just have to find the patience to make the pikes straight one by one...

  3. The army looks fantastic Phil. I too have switched from card to MDF bases, they handle the stress of the gaming table far better.

    1. Thank you sir. Yes, these bases are great, and much nicer than plastic ones.

  4. Excellent work, Phil! Good to see you back at the painting desk and Happy New Year to you!

    1. Thank you very much Jonathan, I widh you a Happy Nex Year too !

  5. Happy New Year Phil! Your brushwork is beautiful as usual. The wash you use on the metals is great. Keeps the brilliance of the metal, but makes the details really pop.

    1. Thanks Eric! It was a dark brown wash as usual, with some enlightements afterwards. Always the same method.

  6. Bonne annee, Philotep! Your Romans look amazing! Such great shields, and so much detail. Are you planning to texture the new MDF bases?

    1. Merci MysteryMachine, I wish you a happy new year! As you may have seen in the next post (and at LAF), yes, the bases are being processed, with a textured acrylic dark brown

  7. Bonne Année!

    Figures this beautiful deserve such uniform bases, and besides, the time saved will allow you to play an extra game or paint a few more figures for us to enjoy!

  8. Excellent painted army Phil! Like them a lot!

  9. EIR getting the Philotep treatment! I love them!
