
samedi 8 juillet 2023

Conan the Cimmerian and other Barbarians

 Somewhere in the cold lands of the north, a group of Barbarians from various people emerges from the forest. They must have spotted a traveller's camp, so they are ready to attack them. They are led by a man of black hair and tanned skin, a Cimmerian named Conan.

Maybe you think that it is a strange idea to display a winter scene in July, during a heat wave episode here. It must be an empiric way to feel cooler while watching plastic snow on pictures :D But to say the truth, the heat of the computer will produce the exact opposite.

Well, back to Conan and the Barbarians. Conan looks like he just came back from holiday in Aquilonia, as he looks more tanned than his fellows (except for the guy on the far right who has a darker skin). 

I've tried to give them a boreal look, with mainly white bears furs, and a different hair color for each of them. So a motley boreal crew.


Conan is a Caesar figure from the now very rare Adventurers set. Since he is very simply clad, the painting is all about bringing out the muscles.


The others come from 2 sets (72027 & 72028) of Cimmerians by Dark Alliance. Beautiful figures, but a lot of flash unfortunately - as a closer look on the figures reveals. Skin, fur, metal and hair are all you need to represent fierce Barbarians that fear nothing, not even the cold.

The generic Barbarians are really versatile. They can also be used to represent marauders in Warhammer, or the free people from beyond the wall in Westeros. And for those among you who have played Confrontation by Rackham, it is possible to represent Kelt of the Sessair and Drune clans - the last figure above being one of the latter.

Let's take a closer look.


You will find below a picture of one of the Rackham Drunes figures (35mm), which inspired my color scheme.

Hope you like them :)

14 commentaires:

  1. Fantastic painting on those barbarians Phil, especially on their skin. I have that Caesar figure but haven't painted yet because I find it too think and small for being a barbarian, which is a shame as the figure is great.

    1. Thank you Javier. It is true that this figure is smaller than the other barbarians - just say he's Conan at 15 :) Or you cheat and base him over a rock.

  2. Great Phil!!! You wont believe this, but I was also working a but on Conan Universe!!!! i Will post soon

    1. A lot of good news in a single sentence: 1) Nice to read you 2) you're still in the hobby 3) you're posting soon and 4) It's about Conan, great! Thank you for your comment.

    2. You came Strong as a true Cimmerian , three great posts :) great to see you back in action

    3. Thank you! I wish you will update your own blog more often too, I need your extravagant ideas :)

  3. Excellent painted figures Phil!
    Actually I was painting the same Conan figure but after I have seen yours here a threw mine aside. :-D

    1. Thank you Peter. Conan is so stubborn that he'll be back very soon on your desk!

  4. Using the last figure above as a Drune is genius - it reminds me of the old 2000AD Slaine comics!

    The second set of Cimmerians make fantastic Chaos marauders, as you point out.

    I recently picked up some models for full 'Chaos warriors' too, thanks to a very helpful Etsy seller (based in Poland) who is happy to print in 1:72, which most printers don't seem to be (I don't have a 3D printer and don't think I could make it work anyway). He also has some very good Empire designs, if you might be interested...

    Mystery Machine

  5. Hi, thank you for your comment! Yes, the Drunes in Slaine are rather fascinating, the Rackham version is great too. Regarding the Etsy seller, yes, I am highly interested! I don't have a printer either, and it would be great to get a few chaos demons in 1/72, or the think I'm looking for the most desperately, creatures for a Japanese myhtological army, such as tengu (I know the Alternative Armies version in 15mm, I will certainly buy some if no other option). And yes, a 1/72 steam tank for my Empire army would be really funny :D

  6. Hi Philotep. The Etsy seller I used can be found here:

    His name is Marcin and he is very helpful and responsive. I ordered a number of figures from the Highlands Miniatures range of designs, which has some excellent 'Empire', undead and other figures. They have come out really well in 1:72. The figures arrived safely and well-packed. They are a bit more delicate than plastic 1:72 figures, but on the other hand you don't need to deal with the tedious mold lines and soft plastic!

    How about some witch hunters?

    Or some zealots?

    You mentioned the Alternative Armies tengu - I picked some up (as 5 Leagues from the Borderlands includes bird-people), but they are quite small compared to 1:72 / 20mm figures. I'm still trying to find something ideal for these purposes.

    Mystery Machine

  7. There seem to be slightly fewer of the Highlands Miniatures options available on Marcin's Etsy site than there used to be - maybe his printing licence numbers are limited.

    One other recommendation (which is still there) is for the Highland Miniatures ghouls - these are really nice figures and very difficult to find in 1:72:
