
mardi 11 juillet 2023

Nordic mythology

 We're still in a heat wave here in south-eastern France, so I will keep on displaying winter scenes to cool my mind, if not my body.

If you are a regular visitor of this blog, you may have noticed that I am interested in mythologies from all around the world. Among many projects, I wish to paint mythological armies for HOTT, which allows me to use historical and Fantasy figures together. 

The first 1/72 Fantasy figures appeared on the market in 2007, originally made by Caesar and related to Heroic Fantasy. The first batch consisted of 6 sets: Dwarves, Elves, Undead, Adventurers, Goblins and Orcs. They were soon followed by another Manufacturer called Dark Alliance (or maybe Alliance, since we have the dark and the light sides) who produced their first Orcs in 2009. Their main source of inspiration was the Lord of the Rings movie trilogy, so Heroic Fantasy once again.

Alliance proved to be the most prolific manufacturer. Most of the range is related to the Middle Earth, but they also produced unexpected sets related to Greek and Egyptian mythologies: Centaurs, Minotaurs, Cyclops, Amazons, Mummies, Anubites. These new sets gave me the idea to create three armies inspired by a video game, Age of Mythology. But how to represent the Viking army without dedicated mythologic sets ?

The answer is simple: most mythological creatures are bigger than humans, they can even have the size of a monster. And to find big creatures is very easy: you just have to look at 28mm figures ranges. And for other creatures, you must remember that Heroic Fantasy such as Tolkien's opus is inspired by Nordic mythology.

And here we are the result, in Cinemascope :)

All right, what do we have here ?


Two frost giants, always attractive (for painters) with a blue skin. The right one was painted several years ago as you can see in this post. The left one was painted last year. As the previous one, it is a soft plastic figure from a boardgame called Zombicide: Black Plague.

You know what? Painting 32mm figures (ie big 28mm) is much easier than 1/72 - it depends on the quality you want to get, of course :)

I've also painted a representation of Fenrir as a giant black wolf. In the Norse mythology, Fenrir is one of the children of Loki, and it is foretold that he will kill Odin during the Ragnarok, the battle at the end of time. There are several wolves in 28mm figure ranges, and I've chosen one among the first boardgames I offered to my children, Dungeons and Dragons (see a description of this game here).

Not the biggest of the Wolves, but good enough on a wargame table.

Last figures, more classical: three dwarves (some Nibelungen ?) from the Caesar set.

As a conclusion, I could say that, together with my DBA Viking army, I have enough figures to create a 12 elements warband for HOTT. But it is always possible to add figures for more options, and I've planned to paint the followings one day or another:

- Valkyries on horse ("Modern" Amazons by Dark Alliance)

- Bersekrs (various vikings and germanic warriors with wearing wolfskins)

And of course, I need to base them all :)

13 commentaires:

  1. Looks great, I always enjoy seeing your armies!

  2. WoW Phil great nordic creatired and héroes!!! Congratulations, you came back Strong with this and the cimmerians!!
    Please, make a visit a look at my place and you will find my progress :)

    1. Thank you Sceavus, nice to read you again, and yes, I've had a look at your own Conan and other characters, they're great !

  3. Ce commentaire a été supprimé par l'auteur.

  4. Modern amazona as valkiries are also on my scope. Which moibts dontou plan? i took all "giant" cimmerian horses and planning which wings yo give. We plan paralel plans :)

    1. Yes, the very same regarding the horses, but I didn't plan to add wings, sorry.

  5. Top notch work! Great to see your return.

  6. These are amazing figures. I love the blue skin on the giants / Jotunn. The dwarves also look great in the colours you've chosen.

    How are you planning to base these figures for HOTT?

    I have been basing my figures on UK one penny pieces, about 20mm across. I was thinking about using sabot bases for wargame rules that put figures in groups. Alternatively I might use magnetic sheet, as I have been careful to check that all the coins used are the more modern versions made with steel (not pure copper, which is not magnetic).

    It would be interesting to hear your plans.

    1. Thank you! Regarding the bases, I will do something simple, and compatible with DBA: the figures will get stuck together on rectangular, 60mm wide MDF bases - as proposed in DBA/HoTT for "real" 25mm figures. I don't use my 1/72 figures for skirmishing or for wargames such as Oathmark (I keep using 28mm figures in both cases), so I won't use individual bases... except for gladiators maybe, since they're not to be used as elements in an army.
