
lundi 24 juillet 2023

DBA Early Germans

 As announced in the previous post related to the Early Imperial Romans, the Early Germans are on the warpath too, and now ready to contest the battlefield with the Romans.

The army is composed of 12 elements, in accordance with the DBA rules. I've tried to mix as many sets as possible to get a 'warband' effect. The figures come from 8 sets from 6 different manufacturers: ESCI, Revell, Hät, Caesar, Strelets and Linear-A.

The bases have been made with the same method as for the Romans.

The Early Germans army is mainly a Warband that gather warriors from one particular tribe or from a confederation. No less than 9 Warband elements here:

Some close-ups on two of them, the first is the General (3 Caesar figures + a chieftain with his blue plaid by Linear-A):

Then we have an elements of archers as Psiloi:

And last, two elements of cavalry, one heavy and one light:

Now that the basing method has been validated with the Romans, it proved much faster to base another army, and still fun to do.

Hope you like them :) Tell me if you prefer the Roman Empire or the Germans !

17 commentaires:

  1. Very ferocious! Both armies look fantastic Philotep

  2. Thank you Maudlin! I should use them before the end of the summer in battle, I should be able to take pictures and write a report.

  3. They look magnificent but I have a soft spot for Romans. You are making me want to do some DBA armies in 1/72. I must resist.

  4. A very good paintjob. I am already wondering how an early German army for Tollenseetal might look like

    1. Thank you very much Uwe. It would certainly look more 'neolithic' if I may say so. Maybe a few bronze weapons (the chieftains and their retinue), nothing iron, leather clothes probably... I'm certainly not a specialist, but a very interesting subject.

  5. Looking great! I especially like the colors and the plaid on the chieftain. My money is on the Romans to win, though...

    1. Thank you Norman! I guess that the Romans will win often at DBA... which is not a rule made for historical reconstitution.

  6. Do you see them coming out of the woods? I do! Excellent painted army Phil!

    1. Thank you Peter! Ah ah, it makes me think of a song by a folk singer named James Vincent McMorrow, the song is called 'From the Woods!!!' and says: From the Woods! / From the Woods! / They're coming from the Woods! ...'

  7. Great looking...romans Will not expect the hit from the woods

  8. Absolutely stunnning army! I was deciding between 15mm and 1/72 scale for my Romans and Barbarians army and finally chose 15mm, but I regret that after seeing your 1772 armies. I love them.

    1. Thank you blacksmith. It's always time to change your mind, you never have enough Romans, whatever the scale :)
