
mardi 18 juillet 2023

DBA Early Imperial Roman Army complete and based

 Sometimes, one of my never ending projects comes to an end. Today, ladies and gentlemen, I have the pleasure to announce you that my 12 elements Early Imperial Roman (EIR) army for DBA is complete. All necessary figures are painted, and more, what can be seen as a milestone event is that all figures are based, YES, ladies and gentlemen, and I prove it right now:

Aren't they nice when they are properly arrayed on the battlefield ? You can see that there are 12 elements - heavy infantry of course, with auxiliaries, cavalry and even some artillery.

Let's have a look et each unit.

First of them, the prestigious legionaries. These 3 elements are all part of  Legio XXI Rapax. All figures by Strelets, except for the centurio, slightly converted ESCI figure.

The next two elements are from a legion that I can't identify. Note that the pattern on the shields is different between both - it was engraved on the shields of the back element, which gives you no choice, but I love these old dear ESCI figures, and wanted to incorporate some in my army.

Now we have a look at auxiliaries. My documentation (WRG) says that the pattern on the shields is that of a foot auxiliary unit, but I don't know which one. Strelets figures.

Next we have the auxiliary archers. The would be best employed on eastern fronts (where they come from), but I like this figures, a mix of Hät and Airfix.

Now we go on with the cavalry units. First, we have a look at Numidian warriors, running through the flowers. Figures by Zvezda.

You can see next Roman Horse Auxiliary, maybe of Celtic origin, riding to fight against their Germanic enemies.

And last, a roman Scorpio. The DBA list allows to have one, which is fun, but I suppose that it was mostly used during sieges than on an open battlefield.

And a last family picture to conclude.

You may wonder why it took me so long to base these figures (some of them were painted for years).

Several reasons:

- I needed to wait until every figure was painted, so that I can make the same sort of bases for all

- I needed something better than my old cardboard that proved fragile in time - the MDF bases are really great, I recommend them

- I thought it would be very boring... and I was wrong. To say the truth, I really enjoyed it, and the flowers are a must :). And I think that the Germanic tribes will soon be based too.

Hope you like them, as always.

14 commentaires:

  1. Félicitations, la peinture est vraiment fantastique comme d'habitude , encore bravo!!

  2. Philotep, your Roman army is superb. It reminds me of (a) the introduction to Ridley Scott's Gladiator, and (b) the fun I had with Total War: Rome on PC (the first game - I didn't play the second one). Seeing your figures based together makes them look better than ever. I hope you have some fun playing some games with this amazing force, but even if you don't, they are a work of art.

    Mystery Machine

    1. Thank you very much MM. Oh yes, I intend to play as soon as the Germanic warriors are ready, maybe I'll write a report (with pictures of course).

  3. Your army looks awesome, congratulations!

  4. Love those romans, would like to have also mine similar.... Great job on all units. Those legionary scuta with intrincated details must have been difficult to Paint...
    Like your conversion in the centurio. original figure has a very small and ridicule crest. .you gave him some dignity:). Love that we share still some ideas telepatically

    One again

    1. Hi Sceavus, nice to read you as always. The shields are not my best unfortunately, but it is impossible (for me) to paint so many times the same shield without getting bored... my bad.
      With your legendary eagle's eye, you could guess at once the small conversion of the roman officer. Yes the original figure is a bit... strange, but rather nice, so adding some feathers seemed a natural modification. The only thing that I should change is the shield: I should definitely replace it with a Strelets one, it would look better with the ordninary legionaries. And YES, telepathy between Spain and France is possible, we prove it every month :D

  5. Great job, almost makes me want to paint some Romans!

    1. Thank you Norman! Why 'almost' ? It's an important subject for Antics amateurs... Oh yes, maybe because it's the less original subject in the period, I can see Romans everywhere, very far from your Mitannians or Mayas :D

    2. Well, I do have a taste for the obscure, that is true! ;) The Romans have a lot of interesting history, but for some reason I just don't find them quite as appealing as a topic for a game. Besides, they'd have to wait their turn - I have several more oddball armies waiting in the queue for whenever I have time to paint again! :)

  6. What a spectacular army! Amazing work!

  7. Stunningly painted army nice to see the army complete it looks great!
