
jeudi 21 décembre 2023

The Green Horde: a Troop of Archers

 Hi everyone! Nearly the end of the year: a few days of vacation, time to paint figures and finish as many units as possible. And I've painted enough for at least 3 posts in 2023, so let's go.

In the last post (in October, 2 months ago, I promised more Orcs before the end of the month. Though I didn't show anything since that day, I've been painting a lot, but I'm always waiting to have painted units before basing - a step in the process that was done this morning only. Today, we have a look at another complete unit of the Green Horde (the project has been explained in this post) - a troop of archers.

They are all based on 25mm square bases and grouped on a movement tray. They form a Troop according to the Kings of War rules - please note that the basing is compatible with Oathmark (which I intend to test one of these days).

 As the rest of the army, the archers troop is composed of metal figures that I have bought over the ages, from the 80's to now. And if you're a regular reader of this blog, you know that one of my biggest pleasures is to mix figures from various manufacturers. Here you have:

- 5 Grenadier figures

- 3 Old Glory figures

- 1 Ral Partha (?) figure

 - 1 Citadel figure

Let's have a look at the latter one. I bought this Orc in 1984 in order to use it in a AD&D campaign, and I painted him with Humbrol paints (no shadows and no highlights in this Dark Age). He has received this week a new skin made of acrylic.The upper part of the bow was broken and lost, had to replace it with plastic (from the GW Empire archers).



The next one is a Ral Partha figure, probably bought at the end of the 80's or very early 90's if I remember well. The sculptor is Bob Olley (and not Kev Adams as I first thought).


I've spent some time watching old catalogues to confirm the manufacturer (and sculptor), but I couldn't find him (them) - could anyone help me on my identification quest ? :)

EDIT: Hobgoblin from the LAF forum has given me the answer, it is a Ral Partha figure indeed.

The next one is a much more common figure by Grenadier (it is still possible to buy them online since Mirliton has bought the moulds and is still producing the range), sculpture by Nick Lund.

Much more common also means that I have several copies of the same mini in my Horde - which is an exception so far.

Some close-ups of some figures inside the unit to conclude this post:

Hope you like them all, old and new! Tomorrow I'll post pictures of my Wolf Riders unit - stay tuned :)

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