
vendredi 21 septembre 2018

Gaelic mercenaries in medieval Ireland

Last year, I wrote a post about galloglass and kerns, the gaelic warriors of medieval Ireland. This post contained pictures of one warrior of each sort.

Today, my warband has grown a little. Here they are:

This warband is led by a chieftain, even a lord, considering the quality of his armour.

His retinue is composed of galloglass, Scots from the Highlands and the Isles, at first, but also local Irishmen, whose main weapon is the double handed axe.

These fierce mercenaries are seconded by kerns, light native infantrymen, whose main weapons are javelins and knives, and sometimes bows.

They are ready for raiding!

26 commentaires:

  1. A chaque fois c’est de mieux en mieux !

  2. Des figurines diversifiées et superbes, j'aime beaucoup les archers...

    1. Merci. Ca a été une vraie découverte pour moi sur le plan historique, je ne connaissais quasiment rien de l'Irlande à cette époque.

  3. Réponses
    1. Thank you Maudlin. One of the best Redbox minis so far.

  4. Nice warband Phil, they look as good as usual,
    Do you plan something for all the diverse little battle forces you creat along the time?
    Maybe exhibitions,or gaming? I realize, you dont do static dioramas (the same as me actually, I love watching dioramas but making them with my own figures means to me converting them in statues, never allowed to move again..)
    By the way how do you storage them?

    1. Hi Sceavus! In my mind, they are not meant to be warbands but armies, and I wish to use them with rulesets such as DBA or L'art de la Guerre, which means between 40 and 100 figures needed. These men should be part of a medieval army that might take part in the War of the Roses, or as mercenaries in continental Europe. For the storage, I should take pictures and xrite a post, one of these days.

  5. And what is your trick for floors?

    1. Very simple: a part of an old wallpaper, that I paint before adding some modelism grass.

  6. Sure they are ready to raid by the look of them.
    Splendid painting. BB

  7. They look amazing Phil, you haven't lost your touch over the summer!

    1. Because most were painted before... except for the two kerns with sophisticated jackets (the red and the green). Oh, and the chieftain. Maybe you're right, after all :D

  8. Very nice Phil, bit of inspiration for my own Irish.

    1. Hi Roger, thank you, I am curious to have a look at yours - send me a link!
