
vendredi 28 décembre 2018

Early Germanic army complete !

At last, I could paint the last warriors that I needed to field a complete DBA Early Germans army.
And since I've created a small scenery for Christmas (see the previous post), I used it to take pictures of my army in ambush in the woods in winter.

To be honest, my interpretation of the DBA list is rather loose. In the picture above, we have:
  • 8x4Wb, the main warband
  • 2x2Ps, the skirmishing archers
  • 1x2LH, the light cavalry
  • 1x3Cv, the medium cavalry
But I have enough more warriors to add 2 more 4Wb elements, and stick to the list.

The last painted figures are displayed below: 2 riders from Strelets Batavian auxiliaries, and 8 warriors from various manufacturers (Hät, Strelets, Caesar and ESCI).


You can see that the Strelets seem more suitably dressed for winter than the others, but maybe some extra strong or fanatic warriors could fight half naked ?

The Cv element is composed of Hät Gothic riders painted a long time ago - they're ok in an Early Germanic army, in my opinion.

A few more pictures:

One of my objectives for 2018 is fulfilled, hourra ! Just need to base them (it will be a 2019 objective I guess :)).

I suppose you won't be seeing more Germans before long ! Hope you like them anyway.

23 commentaires:

  1. Quite a horde!. They look fantastic Phil, i like the choice of minis, they work very well together.

    1. Thank you Sprinks! Well, the Strelets ones have strange big heads, but from a wargamer point of view, everything's ok :)

  2. Thanks! You must be xriting about your own Star Wars minis, they are so impressive, and full of details :)

  3. Great work Phil! It looks like Christmas!

    1. Thank you! That's what Christmas look like when your neighbours decide to have a party in your garden in the middle of the winter :)

  4. You are having active Christmas Phil!! Congrats for your horde!! The snow woods like in gladiator makes a perfect atmosphere, even if durIng these days they remind so much to Christmas!! Are there also imperial romans to face them???

    1. Thank you Sceavus! Yes there's something like in this sequence in Gladiator, not so epic unfortunately. Yes, I have a complete Early Imperial Roman army, but it was painted 30 years ago (mainly Airfix and ESCI) and is not at a high level of painting :) Maybe I should take pictures for a new "back from the past" post ?

  5. Réponses
    1. Very much appreciated from a master of ancients like you :)

  6. Superbe boulot! Ils ont l'air motivés, endurcis au climat rude!

  7. Excellent painted army Phil, with nice bright colors!Looking forward to more nice painted figures of you in a happy new year!


    1. Thank you Peter! And a year full of painted figures (among many other things) for you too!

  8. Fantastic army! The shields do ollk excellent!

  9. Tu mets le niveau très haut là.
    Je vais m'y mettre au DBA 1/72 je vais avoir besoin de tes conseils !

    1. ...dit celui qui a peint le plus beau régiment de cuirassiers de l'année! SI je peux te donner des conseils, ce sera avec grand plaisir! Le premier d'entre eux: peut-être jeter un oeil sur la règle l'Art de la guerre, qui m'a l'air plus intéressante encore. J'ai acheté le bouquin, mais je n'ai encore jamais joué :(

    2. 😀 le format DBA c’est pour le nombre réduit de figurines, j’ai aussi art de la guerre et pareil pas encore joué ☹️
      Ah quand un TGV entre nos deux villes !

    3. Pour le TGV, je suis bien placé pour te dire que ce n'est pas demain la veille... après, si on trouve une occasion, je veux bien faire le déplacement!! Mais attention, la dernière fois que j'ai joué à DBA, c'était il y a au moins 15 ans, je ne vais pas être un adversaire redoutable :D
      Enfin, pour AdG, la règle suggère de débuter avec un format à 100 points, ce qui fait un peu plus de figurines que DBA (en gros: l'infanterie x 2 sauf les tirailleurs), mais me semble tout à fait atteignable.
