
mardi 29 octobre 2019

Heavy Metal - Troll chieftain

One more entry for the Orctober challenge. Not orcs (it's good to change from time to time), but a huge troll to command my troll squad.

This is the fourth troll from Dark Alliance War Trolls set 1, the three others have been painted previously, see here and there.

As a chieftain, this guy has got a shield, which is simultaneously a defensive and an offensive weapon. I also wanted to give him an armour assembling pieces of various materials: iron, bronze and also copper.

I used the same color scheme as usual for the skin (troll skin, I mean), so nothing particular to say about this subject.

The metallic parts are more interesting, since I can paint what I like, which is corrosion (Corrosion, ins't there a Metal band with this name ?): rust for iron, and verdigris for bronze and copper.

Some close-ups to show the different sorts of corrosion:

I must say that I am quite happy with that shield :)
And the traditional family picture to conclude this post.

These minis are tall enough to represent trolls in my 28mm Orc army, which is fortunate since I should play a Kings of War battle against my son before the end of this week.
Probably no battle report to come (I can't play and take pictures, and many figures are not even painted), but I will tell you if this battle is a new disaster, I win less than once in ten games.

Hope you like these trolls :)

14 commentaires:

  1. He looks great. The different metals and corroded parts are very effective.

    1. Thank you. This shield was a real temptation, hope the effect is successful.

  2. Fantastic work Philotep - they look amazing.

  3. Excellent, truly superb work. Love different metallic and corrosion, looks so real.

    1. Thank you. Maybe not real, but realistic as much as I can.

  4. Superbes et très impressionnants!

  5. I really, really like the look of the metal! Excellent job!

    1. Thank you! I have tried to follow some great explanations by painters working in the Rackham studio, a former french company that developed a game called Confrontation in the early 2000s - at that time, they edited a regular publication with lots of stuff, including advanced painting advices.

  6. Excellent painting, the corrosion effects are top

    1. Thank you Paul! That's what I like to paint, weirdo, maybe I should start an analysis to understand.
