
dimanche 8 décembre 2019

Deadcember... new zombies

Dear fellow painters and readers, let's dive into dark Fantasy again.

As you all know (and if not, see here, or there), Orctober has been a chance to complete an Orcs and Goblins army. In november, I came back to historical figures, but with unusual subjects (for me): Peninsular War and American War of Independance... and at last, the Ancients saw reinforcements with some Greek Hoplites. I've also painted many other individual figures but not units, so they probably will be displayed later on this blog. In case you're curious: a C'hin heavy warrior, two Norman foot warriors, a Spanish Caetratus, two servants for a Greek balista, a Samnite... to be continued.

But we are now in December, also known as Deadcember! I don't think I will spend the whole month painting undead creatures, but part of it, yes :)

I have an Undead army for HOTT which was almost finished, I only needed a few more zombies. Here they are!

These minis are a mix of several sets:
- Caesar Zombies
- Dark Alliance Light warriors of the Dead
- Zombie!!! boardgame figures

In the middle of the picture below, you will recognize Red Sonja as a zombie leader :)

The two Dark Alliance minis are in the center of this picture:

I already painted these minis as ghosts, they looked very different:

As written above, the Undead army is now complete: zombie warriors, skeleton warriors, ghosts, spectres, zombie dogs and a vampire lord to rule them all... but I still have to base them. And it might be that they lack strength against my Orcs, so I should probably paint some Undead riders, including some more vampires. I'm still looking for a good color scheme, any idea ?

22 commentaires:

  1. Les glorieux morts! C'est une grande armee Philotep. J'aime les minis de Dark Alliance.

    1. Merci Maudlin! Les figurines de cette marque sont très bien. Mais cette armée reste une petite armée :)

    2. vous avez raison, grande c'est pas le bon mot! Ici "grand" signifier bien! Pardon!

    3. Rien à pardonner Maudlin, je jouais bêtement sur le double sens de "grand" :)

  2. They look great. I was going to say they look beautiful but I'm not sure that term can be applied to zombies!. Fantastic paint work, they look wonderfully grisly.

    1. Whoa are we to say what is horrible and what is beautiful ? Thank you Sprinks.

  3. They look really good. As for a Colour scheme, the above look fine, off White, Grey,light blue and the various Browns, (rust, Wood on the weapon stocks, hair Colour) Looks fine.
    I haven´t got any Zombies yet but I´ve got an idea how to incorporate some into an undead army.

    1. Thank you Paul. Your own undead cavalry might inspire me a lot, and I am curious to see what you have in mind regarding zombies.

  4. Wow awesome work! Really love those..... dogs? Really have no clue what those zombie animals are.

    1. Thank you. Well, they were sold in "bag'o'dogs", so...

  5. The skin tone on those zombies look really good!

    1. Thank you! Couldn't say why, but to paint expressive and/or relevant skin tones is one the the things that interest me most in this hobby.

  6. Oh no more work for everybody each Month!!!
    Actually it Seems the only way to get some objectives done!! :)
    Great results in those , they aré full of...death!!

    1. Yes, a lot more work... anyway, you need some of them for your undead army "beyond the wall" !!

  7. Good stuff .. everybody should have a hoard of zombies
