jeudi 30 novembre 2017

DBA Gallic army: first step of restoration

I explained in the previous post that I wanted to restore and add some improvements to my old DBA Gallic army, here you are the first step.

The test figure is a heavy rider. There was no light nor shadow in the original paint, so I began to darken the mini with washes (red for the flesh, brown everywhere else), then lighten with several layers. I also painted some details that I had forgotten, such as the umbo on the shield. Same process for the horse.

The two pictures below allow us to compare before and after.

This is another view of the same rider, which makes me realize that I have some mistakes to correct. Anyway, there is more contrast now, so I think it is an improvement.

I also modified a Light Infantry (Psiloi) element: the flesh has been redone on both minis, I've added some light on the trousers, and the base has been repaired.

the guy on the right had the flesh of a zombie !!

I could have given them another javelin in the left hand

Even better than the rider in my eye. What do you think ?

To be continued :)

mercredi 22 novembre 2017

DBA Gallic army

I've already written a couple of posts about Celtic warriors by Hät. The minis can be seen here (part I) and there (part II). But long before that, my brother and I painted a complete DBA Gallic army with Airfix, Revell and a few ESCI minis - and we used 15mm essex minis to represent cavalry, later replaced by Hät and Italeri minis. Years later, I also added a few Newline Design 20mm minis to fill the ranks.

I don't have the 15mm riders any longer, but I still have the 1/72 minis. I never finished to base them, but they have already seen action in several battles. And last week-end, I decided to complete the work in order to have a nice army to display.

Before adding some paint on them, I wanted to take pictures of the army in its actual state.
Here it is. The whole army:

On the front rank, the based elements, Psiloi on the left (Italeri minis), and command element on the right (from left to right: 3 Italeri men and one Newline Design). The skin color of some of them has to be redone.

 The warband elements: mostly Revell with a few Airfix and ESCI, all painted before I learned to paint shadows and highlights.

And at last, the cavalry elements. Hät figures on the left, Italeri and Newline Design on the right - my first highlight technique, before the washes.

As an army, they already look good. I won't repaint them all, but repair the broken bases, finish the to-do bases and add some contrast at least on the cavalry element.

More pictures to come to show you the result. Hope you like my old minis :)

samedi 18 novembre 2017

Gall óglaigh and Kern

Hi Everyone!

Commenting my last post related to Templar men-at-arms, "Boss" Paul from Paul's Bods (one of the best 1/72 blogs dedicated to 1/72 minis... all right, everybody already knows :))asked for more Medieval minis, so I promised new pictures for yesterday night... well the night is over (here) and I am a bit late, but I could finish two minis and take pictures.

I wanted to start something new for a small vignette, an original or unusual subject (at least for me), because it's always a good way to discover and learn new things. I searched my plastic stocks and picked a set by Redbox for the war of the Roses: Irish troops, set 72044.

I know very little concerning this period in Irish history, so I opened the online bible (PSR), and read about the two main troop types represented in the box:
  • the galloglass (from from Irish: gall óglaigh meaning foreign warriors - thanks Wikipedia), heavy infantry originated in the Scottish Isles, and using terrible two-hands weapons such as big battleaxes - maybe a remembrance of housecarls, or of their common viking ancestors)

  • the kerns, or light skirmishing infantry, using javelins as their main weapons (by the way, I finally took time to know a little about kerns - a term I read in WRG army lists years ago, without the slightest idea of what they could look like)
You can see below one of the most famous illustrations representing galloglass (left) and kerns (right) in the 16th century by Albrecht Dürer. Though posterior to the medieval period, it gives us an idea of the appearance of these fierce men.

One more thing eventually convinced me to start painting: these men were also known to wear saffron colored coats, and since I can't use my yellow paint everyday, I became very tempted!

And here you are the result, two minis painted yesterday night.  Hope you (including Paul :)) like these medieval men.

mercredi 15 novembre 2017

Templar Foot Soldiers

Good evening (well it's late in France :)).

I recently bought a set from the Crusader period by Strelets - Military Order Warriors. I wanted to paint some of them as Templar foot sergeants, an addition to my DBA Late Crusader army.

Here you are four of these men - enough figures to represent one DBA element. I really appreciate these minis, they are perfect to represent a defensive line, and the black and white shield of the order is nice (and easy) to paint.

Let's show them. The first pictures were taken with a dark background, so that the contrast is not too strong, we see the details rather well.

Next pictures are an attempt to show the minis as if they were in action in the Middle East - good weather, but dusty sky. The foot soldiers are operating together with the knights of the order.

I am quite happy with the result, each man differs from the others but they look like they form a unit. What do you think of it ?

dimanche 12 novembre 2017

Orcs and Gobs, and more

Back to 1/72. Do you remember the goblin I have painted a few days ago ? Now he's got a fellow, and some orc friends - a good occasion to gather the whole tribe, including a warg rider and a troll (painted earlier this year).

For some reason, I've had trouble taking proper pictures (probably the lack of light, the weather is horrible today), so not my best, sorry.

I hope you like them anyway :)

Goblins by Caesar, orcs, warg and troll by Dark Alliance.
The troll has already been visible in this small tutorial