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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est ACW. Afficher tous les articles

mardi 8 décembre 2020

2020 Advent Calendar: Day 8

Today we go to the new world, and make a big jump in time (no goat this time) after the Roman Empire.

For Day 8 of the Advent Calendar, we discover some Zouaves for the American Civil War.

You've probably recognized them. These minis come from one of the first sets made by Hät, way back in 1997. And they are on my todo list since that year. Or, to be true, I had almost forgotten their existence until Strelets begun to produce their ACW range. At first I had no intention to buy any - I have so many sets and figures that I can't count them, and I had decided to focus on Ancient, Medieval and Fantasy figures - oh, and Nappies are sometimes authorized to climb up the painting desk.

But one day I realized (thanks to PSR) that one of the Strelets sets had a photographer with a plate camera (set 156, confederate infantry standing)! I wanted that figure badly and bought the set immediately. As a wargamer, I like standing poses that I find great on a battlefield, so I painted a few of them, that can be seen here, among older references.

Then I remembered the Zouaves that I had bought so many years ago, found three of them, and here they are.

It looks like they're practicing, rather than being engaged in battle. Probably better for them...

See you soon :)

vendredi 4 octobre 2019

Could you stick to the plan, please ?

Well, the answer is "No" I'm afraid.

Instead of painting dozens of Orcs and Goblins, I have been wandering here and there on the net, and I had another look at Paul's ACW regiments. That's all his fault! First I wanted to buy a confederate infantry set, because there was a photographer and his ancient camera inside. And the more I looked at the resting soldiers, the more I wanted to paint some. I also remembered that I had some old sets by Airfix, Revell, ESCI and Italeri somewhere, I looked for them, found several foot soldiers, and began to represent several regiments, North and South.

So today, this October post isn't an Orctober post. For those of you not interested in Fantasy, it's probably a welcome break :)

Anyway, these are the first figures on this blog related to the American Civil War.

As for the Germanic warriors, I think that these figures from several manufacturers and made in different decades fit well together.

Hope you like them :)

Edit 4/10/2019: A zoom on an Airfix figure, a Union soldier painted grey, with a bayonet added on his rifle.