Hi everyone! Today I want to show you something unusual: a soldier (and his camel) from the "Régiment des dromadaires", created in 1799 during the French campaign in Egypt under general Bonaparte. This regiment was created because of the lack of horses (taken away by the Mamelukes). The soldiers acted as mounted infantry.
Some years ago, I was fascinated by Bonaparte's expedition in Egypt, because of the scientific part of this adventure - the beginning of Egyptology - and also by the extraordinary uniforms of this time.
The camel was painted after I read this excellent tutorial on
Figuren und Geschichten, a great blog - I must admit that my camel is not as nice as the original, but I have a few more minis to improve my skill :-)
Here's a few pictures of a soldier with his camel somewhere in the Nile valley. He seems to be waiting for an invisible enemy, while a goat is looking for grass around. 1/72 Figures by GerMan, goat by Pegaso.
The GerMan figures are not made of plastic but of soft resin, which is a bit strange where you are not accustomed to this material, but the minis look great when painted.
The soldier... |
... the camel... |
... and the goat. |
Vraiment superbe, des détails fantastiques!
RépondreSupprimerMerci. Ces figurines GerMan sont assez étonnantes, je dois dire.
RépondreSupprimerSplendid Painting Indeed.
RépondreSupprimerMy dog Bella, chewed up a Goat like that. BB
Hi Paul, nice to read you here.
SupprimerPlease, keep Bella away from my goat, it's plastic after all :)
Very nice. I especially like the goat!
RépondreSupprimerThanks! You readers seem to like the goat, these days... :)
SupprimerCool stuff! The figure looks really nice. But I agree with the others the goat is great!
RépondreSupprimerAlso did you add the Bayonet? I see the PSR review doesn't have it. If so it looks really good.
SupprimerThanks for your comments. I didn't realize that this goat was so cute :)
RépondreSupprimerAnd concernant the bayonet, it already was on the mini, I didn't add it.
cool work, you got an eye for detail!
RépondreSupprimerThanks, Remco.
SupprimerWonderful figures!
RépondreSupprimerThanks, Arek Maximus, nice to read you here!
RépondreSupprimerça alors, je cherche DESESPEREMENT cette boite !!: ou l'as-tu donc trouvée ??
RépondreSupprimerEh bien je suis tombé sur ton commentaire par hasard. J'ai acheté cette boite il y a des années chez un vendeur de figurines en ligne portugais ou espagnol, mais j'ai malheureusement perdu le lien après le vol de mon ancien PC. Le gars avait toute la gamme GerMan. Si je retrouve je te le dis, mais ça fait déjà un moment que je cherche.
SupprimerJ'ai retrouvé le site, mais il ne vend plus de figurines BUM/GerMan. Il s'agissait de jordirubio.com.