vendredi 3 janvier 2020

Mamelouks de la garde impériale

Happy New Year everybody!

After a break (almost one week, we had a great time with our families, both in Orléans and Aix-en -Provence), I'm back to the brushes, once again with Napoleonic horsemen, and among the most impressive: the Mamelouks de la Garde Impériale.

Bonaparte recruited some Mamelukes during the campaign of Egypt. Several dozens eventually followed the French army back to France, where they formed a squadron attached to the Chasseurs à cheval de la garde.

According to the ruleset I might use for wargaming, I only need 2 or 3 riders to complete the squadron. So this unit is virtually complete :)

Hope you like them :)

Oh, by the way, this blog is now 3 years old since the end of december.

20 commentaires:

  1. These look wonderful Phil. And HAPPY BLOGDAY!!!.

  2. I like them! Congratulations on three years of blogging!

  3. Awesome work. They look suitably colourful and dashing.

    1. Thank you! The Napoleonic figures are usually colorful (at least in parade dress), but the Mamelukes are a step ahead.

  4. Un anniversaire fêté de fort belle manière, ils sont superbes!

    1. Merci Phil! Il faudrait que je peigne des cavaliers de chacune des unités de la garde, ce serait joli à défaut d'être jouable.

  5. They look fantastic! Happy New Year!

  6. Happy mameluk aniversary Philotep! Much more figures to come still!!

  7. Great to see the first HAT set again painted. Great paintjob!

    1. Thank you very much Uwe. Oh I remember how I was excited when I discovered this set, it was beyond my dreams :)

  8. Beautifully painted. The mameluks are so lovely that one can always paint a few more as 'supports' of for other scales of rules!

    1. Thank you! It might be that I paint a few others one of these days, they are so colorful.
