I painted the Orc set #1 manufactured by Dark Alliance/Redbox last year, as you can see in the related post here, and even if I think that they are not the best minis ever, I was interested in having more poses in this warband, so I bought sets #2 and #3 lately and began to paint some of them.
I keep on increasing my painting rate, so I worked on a batch of 8 guys at the same time, coming from both sets.
The result, tabletop standard:
And some close-ups:
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Love this one - maybe my next avatar :) |
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The hornblower is an extra musician of the month !! |
In this last picture, you will recognize the drummer I painted last year.
I used the same color scheme as for set #1, so that they easily mix with one another.
Last picture, starring my favorite orc so far, an allegory of the pain of war, or the headache, as you wish :D:
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Too much dwarfbeer at the Orctoberfest |
The Orcs are definitely fun to paint.
Nice. I´m still trying to work out what the one Holding his head is doing. Is he injured or face palming ?Having October as Orctober could be a good idea for next year? Your idea...you could call it up for next year? Put it on the forums...Good cross advert for all the 1/72nd Blogs?
RépondreSupprimerThanks. Orctober is certainly not my idea, since you can read posts celebrating this periods on several blogs for years, mostly 25/28mm minis related blogs. But I can promote this idea among the 1/72 communities, so I propose to open a thread on this idea at Benno's next year, something like: 72 days before Orctober :)
SupprimerOk...I´m in :-)
SupprimerThat's good news :)
SupprimerGreat Orc work!
SupprimerIls sont affreux, donc très réussis...j'adore celui qui a l'air désespéré...
RépondreSupprimerPeut-être un prof d'histoire en classe de 3e ??? :)
SupprimerLooking good! Happy Orctober!
RépondreSupprimerThank you, happy Orctober too :)
SupprimerC’est plus que du table top !
RépondreSupprimerOn retrouve le musicien du mois de mars 2017 😀
Très belle peinture.
Merci. Exactement! D'ailleurs grâce à ta remarque, je réalise que j'ai oublié d'insérer les liens hypertextes, oups! Je corrige.
SupprimerExcellent! I love your orcish green skin!
RépondreSupprimerThanks! It's more sand yellow than most orcs you will see on the net, but I like that color scheme.
SupprimerIls sont beaux ses Orcs (c'est possible ca?). Le dernier a un rhume peut-etre?
RépondreSupprimerMerci Maudlin, la beauté est une notion très relative :) Le dernier vient de se souvenir que sa belle-mère vient manger à la maison ce soir !!
SupprimerGreat orcs!. I love the Dark alliance orcs, they remind me of the old 3rd edition warhammer orcs, loads of character but not too well trained or uniformed!. These ones http://www.solegends.com/citcat1991b/cat1991bp172arrerboyz-02.htm I much prefer my orcs as awkward henchmen then muscle bound warriors. Your painting is brilliant as always, the skin tone is very good
RépondreSupprimerThank you Sprinks. Just had a look at your link, yes, that's the sort of orcs I like :)
SupprimerMerci pour ton commentaire fort sympathique. Tu t'y remets quand tu veux :) J'en peins depuis plus de 30 ans maintenant, et ça m'amuse toujours.
RépondreSupprimerPhil you are blowing up all minds wiht thisnvery good orc-tober initiative!, i am definetely in!!
RépondreSupprimerI like the colours of this tribe, inguess you shaded with brown or hazel, maybe i do the same since inshade with green and maybe the results are too GWish in my case..,
I will post also more Boyz soon too :)
Thank you for your comment. The sound of your orc reinforcements is nice to my ear :)
SupprimerInteresting set, the orc with the warhammer and helmet reminds me of the goblins from the movie 'Labyrinth'! Great painting especially the skin tone!
RépondreSupprimerThank you Tony! You mean, the film with David Bowie ?
SupprimerYes that's the one! Great film!
SupprimerVery nice, as I am teaching a local girl to paint figures and she has some Dark Alliance figures, we found a lot of trouble to try to prime their plastic. I did all the usual stuff -- wash with warm water and soap, and tried to prime with a mixture of watered PVA and black acrylic, but the plastic seems to reject every attempt. How did you prime your orc?
RépondreSupprimerHi! This is how I do:
Supprimer1. Clean the minis with water and soap as you do, but I use an old toothbrush too, and sometimes I brush a lot, I think it helps removing the release agent the caster put into the mold to help the mini to come out of the mold.
2. Priming with GW White primer in spray can. I prefer white because I can see the details of the mini better, and also because the Black primer is rejected from time to time...
That's all. Hope it will help :) I would be curious to see the result, don't hesitate to send me a link!
I suggest that you read this page for more info: http://www.how-to-paint-miniatures.com/miniature_painting_getting_started.html
Great figures and excellent painting! Very realistic choise of the flesh color and tone!
RépondreSupprimerThank you very much BM !
Supprimeryour orcs look better than mine, they are real to the movies, I had painted the flesh on mine in German feldgrau
RépondreSupprimerI was inspired by the Tygra: fire and Ice movie by Ralph Bakshi. In this animation, the skin of the orcish invaders is yellow/grey, and I found that great :)