vendredi 26 juillet 2024

The Green Horde: a Wizard on Wolf

The Green Horde is not a sleeping project, but as the stats of this blog show, the summer period and the painting don't seem very compatible, with various reasons depending on the year: the heat, the summer break or the excess of work...

Anyway, I'm still painting, and I'm focused on the Orcs on wolves. Several are painted but only one is completely based so far. Since he is an important character, I thought that he deserved a post just for him.So here you are, the Orc wizard on wolf:

As some of you already know, this character is an old Grenadier figure by Nick Lund. I chose to paint his wolf white, and his cloak black for contrast, and also to stick the the army's color scheme.

The same wizard, surrounded by his troops.

And a few more pictures from different angles.

See you for the next chapter!

10 commentaires:

blacksmith a dit…

I like the idea of a wizard riding a wolf. Great work on him and very evocative pictures.

Maudlin Jack Tar a dit…

Great painting of a really nice figure!
Your Orc force is superb Philotep.

Jacob (XbriX) a dit…

Great figure. Nice weathering on his staff.

Mouse a dit…

Wow. That's a beautiful regiment. Quite a mix of manufacturers, too. I see Grenadier, Games Workshop, Old Glory, maybe Alternative Armies? And some I don't recognize. But your painting ties them all together and they look perfectly natural together! Very nice job!

peter a dit…

I like this white wolf and his rider very much! Great work Phil!


Philotep a dit…

Thank you Blacksmith and sorry for the delay. It took me a while to understand why I couldn't write comments on my own blog !!!!

Philotep a dit…

Thank you Maudlin, and sorry for the delay, see above

Philotep a dit…

Thank you Jacob!

Philotep a dit…

Thank you Mouse. Yes, all there manufacturers are represented on the pictures, together with Armageddon (an old 90s french manufacturer), Reaper Bones, Ral Partha...

Philotep a dit…

Thank you Peter!