vendredi 11 octobre 2024

Mythologic Greek army complete

 Hi everyone! It's high time to write a new post in this blog. In the end of June, I showed you the creatures painted for a Mythological Greek army. Since that post, I've been painting some Greek hoplites, and I have now enough of them to consider my modest army complete. Modest meaning that this is a 123 pts army for l'Art de la Guerre v4 - with house rules for the Fantasy elements.

Here you are the result (before basing):

The army list is as follows:

General in chief, brilliant: 4 pts

Subgeneral, competent: 2 pts

1 element of Heavy Centaurs: 10 pts

1 element of Light Centaurs: 7 pts

3 elements of Hoplites: 24 pts

1 element of Amazons: 10 pts

3 elements of Psiloi: 12 pts

1 element of Minotaurs: 36 pts

1 Cyclops: 18 pts


 Let's have a closer look at the hoplites:

At ADLG, you need 8 figures for a Heavy Infantry element. The first figures on the left are Theban hoplites, with a general element behind. The next are a mix of Athenian and Spartan hoplites, with a Spartan general in the background.

I've also painted 4 more Amazons to complete the Amazon hoplites element.

For hoplites, it's always good to have a screen of Psiloi, here are these young and agile warriors.

Let's have a closer look at the hoplites. I like painting these guys because of their shields, or aspis. Some figures have engraved patterns on their shields (some of the Hät Thebans and Zvezda hoplites), but I must say that I prefer plain shields to paint whatever design I wish, as you can see on the Caesar, Linear and the venerable Atlantic figures.

The last close-ups focus on the command elements - first the Theban subgeneral:

And the Spartan commander.

So what's next ? Still some work. I need to base all these figures, and paint some new ones to have a 250 pts army, which means:

- more hoplites

- more Amazons, hoplites, Psiloi and command

- some more Centaurs, or maybe Minotaurs

They also need some opponents, the Mythological Egyptians! That's another story, but let me tell you that the paintjob is well under way :)

See you!

3 commentaires:

Strategist Ultima Oriente a dit…

Wow! Your "Age of Mythology" Greek army looks so nicely done!

blacksmith a dit…

Fantastic painting and mixing of different brands. The free hand on the shields is really goog, and the sky at the back matchs perfectly with the mood of the painted figures and makes it look as old oil picture. Excellent Phil, congrats!

Mark Cordone a dit…

Wonderful work! I especially like the hand painted shields.