vendredi 20 décembre 2024

The Green Horde: Skullz standard bearer, and other reinforcements

Some news, at last! Not that I stopped painting, but it has become increasingly difficult to take decent pictures: no time, no place, no good light...

I take benefit of a few days off to show you some new figures for the Green Horde. First, some Orc warriors from the 80s:


Among them, the standard bearer has its own story. This figure is the standard bearer of a famous Regiment of Renown, Harboth and the Black Mountains Boys. 


I've just recently discovered its existence, after some comments here and on the LAF forum. I had painted a Citadel preslotta Orc, and I was told that it was very similar to a standard bearer by the same manufacturer. Indeed ? Never saw this fig before, but I began to search for it, and with luck, found it on a second hand website, sold by a guy named Nico,  living in Lyon like me! So Nico, if you read this post, you know that I have painted this very nice Orc, at last, and I hope you find it not too badly painted.

Here you are both figures side by side:

Next figure is Maniac, a C15 Orc, a range sculpted by Alan and Michael Perry and released in 1985.

Though rather old, these Citadel figures are really nice, and I wish to find (and paint) more of them.


During last summer, I've also painted some more archers from various manufacturers. From left to right: Citadel, Citadel (an Orc of the White Hand, from 1980's Lord of the Rings range - he changed side for the Red Eye apparently), Grenadier, Old Glory and Reaper Bones.

Last but not least, I added 5 more Wolf Riders to my heavy cav unit, including a standard bearer and a drummer. All figures by Grenadier, except for the second one from the left who is a RAFM rider on a Grenadier horse.

They will certainly be impressive on the battlefield.

A few close-ups:

I hope we will find time to play at least a game during Christmas :)

6 commentaires:

  1. Fantastic painting Philotep and some very nice figures

    1. Thank you Maudlin! I really appreciate to paint all these old figures at last, more than 40 years after I bought them for the oldest!

  2. You did a great job with them. I love the look of Nick Lunds's wolf riders. I also remember buyint 3 boxes of Harboth's when thery were first released to get the misician, the leader and the standard beaer. Beautiful creatures.

    1. Hi Blacksmith, thank you very much! I didn't know Harboth's regiment before you wrote a comment about it, so thank you for the inspiration.
