vendredi 20 décembre 2024

The Green Horde: Skullz standard bearer, and other reinforcements

Some news, at last! Not that I stopped painting, but it has become increasingly difficult to take decent pictures: no time, no place, no good light...

I take benefit of a few days off to show you some new figures for the Green Horde. First, some Orc warriors from the 80s:


Among them, the standard bearer has its own story. This figure is the standard bearer of a famous Regiment of Renown, Harboth and the Black Mountains Boys. 


I've just recently discovered its existence, after some comments here and on the LAF forum. I had painted a Citadel preslotta Orc, and I was told that it was very similar to a standard bearer by the same manufacturer. Indeed ? Never saw this fig before, but I began to search for it, and with luck, found it on a second hand website, sold by a guy named Nico,  living in Lyon like me! So Nico, if you read this post, you know that I have painted this very nice Orc, at last, and I hope you find it not too badly painted.

Here you are both figures side by side:

Next figure is Maniac, a C15 Orc, a range sculpted by Alan and Michael Perry and released in 1985.

Though rather old, these Citadel figures are really nice, and I wish to find (and paint) more of them.


During last summer, I've also painted some more archers from various manufacturers. From left to right: Citadel, Citadel (an Orc of the White Hand, from 1980's Lord of the Rings range - he changed side for the Red Eye apparently), Grenadier, Old Glory and Reaper Bones.

Last but not least, I added 5 more Wolf Riders to my heavy cav unit, including a standard bearer and a drummer. All figures by Grenadier, except for the second one from the left who is a RAFM rider on a Grenadier horse.

They will certainly be impressive on the battlefield.

A few close-ups:

I hope we will find time to play at least a game during Christmas :)

9 commentaires:

  1. Fantastic painting Philotep and some very nice figures

    1. Thank you Maudlin! I really appreciate to paint all these old figures at last, more than 40 years after I bought them for the oldest!

  2. You did a great job with them. I love the look of Nick Lunds's wolf riders. I also remember buyint 3 boxes of Harboth's when thery were first released to get the misician, the leader and the standard beaer. Beautiful creatures.

    1. Hi Blacksmith, thank you very much! I didn't know Harboth's regiment before you wrote a comment about it, so thank you for the inspiration.

  3. Awesome brushwork.
    Your skills are amazing, the colours are great, not too cartoon like.
    The Citadel orcs are some of my favourites as well as the old Heritage LOTR orcs.

  4. Awesome. The last comment was me, I didn't realize it came up as anonymous.
