mardi 12 mai 2020

A pyramid in the jungle

The big thing from the cellar is ready, and I must say (for once) that I am quite happy with the result.
Today, the attraction of this blog is a scratch-built Maya pyramid (ta-daam) !

In the previous post, the pyramid was built with polystyren and painted with yellow ochre as a base color. The next stage was to lighten step by step the base color, then add some traces of vegetation - not too much, so that it could be use as an active temple and as an antique building.
Well, if I wanted to be really accurate, I should have covered the building with plaster painted mainly in red - that's what the Mayan pyramid mostly looked like when they were still in service.

You can see the result below:

The enlightement was achieved through several drybrushes (with more and more white added to the base color), except that I also had to paint a lighter line on the top of every stone - a bit long but necessary.
Adding the vegetation was easy: some green paint, green flocking and a little bit of lichen.

The most difficult was to create a scene looking like a primary forest with only a few modelling trees... see for yourself:

That pyramid is a good spot for saurus...

The last picture in cinemascope: Maya-Toltecs vs Aztec invaders.

It's my first serious attempt at building some scenery element, I think I should build a few more, what do you think ? Maybe some houses for my Vikings, or my Rohirrim :)

21 commentaires:

  1. Looks fantastic!
    Great pictures and miniatures also.
    Really well done.
    A great centrepiece for a game.

  2. La pyramide est Superb Philotep - La jungle est tres bien aussi!

    1. Merci Maudlin! La jungle s'est surtout étoffée grâce au traitement d'image, c'est de la triche :)

    2. C'est une triche spectaculaire!

  3. Now it really does look like a pyramid from Dungeon Seige!! Excellent, hard to believe it´s made from styrofoam.
    Creating mist? Not encouraging smoking but Cigar smoke is good. Incense sticks are ok but it would be difficult to get the smoke to cover the scene.
    I used cigar smoke to create this video :-)
    Thin pipe buried under the tank and blew smoke through

    1. PS..Dungeon Seige is a great game. I´ve played it through..6 times. Not too complicated and best if you play it with one character and you don´t need a link to the internet to run the game.

    2. Thank you for your comment Paul! Sorry, I couldn't find the video for which you gave a link, blogger says: "Sorry, the page you were looking for in this blog does not exist."
      Now I have to try Dungeon Siege, it's perfect for me if it is not complicated :)

  4. That's wonderful, it looks excellent.

  5. I think you've done an excellent job for this scenery element! It's your first one?? Than you got my respect. It looks really realistic and the work of the many different layers on the pyramid was worth it.
    I start thinking of building a pyramid for myself :)

    1. Thank you very much Hightower. Yes I promise, my first building, but it was not difficult - just make sure that your construction drawing is correct before starting. My initial plan would be to add a layer of plaster before priming, but I was afraid that it might reveal very fragile, so I skipped this stage and began the priming on the styrofoam.
      Yes you should build one for your own minis :)

  6. En voilà une très belle pyramide !!

    En plus j'ai toujours apprécié les ambiances jungles pré-colombiennes étouffantes avec des ruines mystérieuses ^^

    Je en connaissais pas du tout ton blog et j'aime bien ce que tu proposes ^^

    J'ai pris la liberté de le référencer dans les registres officiels de mon Temple ^^


    1. Merci pour cette visite et ce référencement, je vais te rendre la politesse de ce pas. J'apprécie également ton blog pour tes travaux, ta passion pour le Japon (que je partage, même si ça ne se voit pas ici) et tes prises de position tranchées :)

    2. Merci infiniment ^^'

      On tâche de faire ce qu'on peut ^^'


  7. Look awesome!

    I always wonder how if it is possible to make pyramide like this but with an option to put figures not only on the top, but also on the stairs and medium levels.

    1. Thank you Umpapa! It should not be difficult to create a larger pyramid that allows to put figures on every level. But regarding the stairs, you would lose the Precolombian look of it with large steps, I'm afraid.

  8. What a magnificent scratch-built pyramid. It looks absolutely superb in that marvellous terrain.

    1. Thank you James. I should improve the terrain with more trees and bushes.
